We are looking for Sephardi, Mizrahi, Cochin, Yemenite, Bete Yisrael etc students that want an adhesion- הַדבָּקָה with the Creator! Many of the Yeshivots that exist in the world create formulated students that can spew Halacha but the inner essence as Baal Ha'Sulam teaches is missing, that is many lack adhesion- הַדבָּקָה with the Creator and thus Yeshiva Baal Kore isn't looking for robots, students who can answer our testing questions as 1 + 1 = 2 antiquated formulated answers. Irrational thinkers swayed by peer religious groupings that they are involved in; whereby they can't think, decide, rationalize, formalize, anticipate, investigate cognitively for themselves. We want Talmidim that can delve into the generations and spirit of the Sephardic Mizrahi Rabinos writings that we use as a guide within our Sephardic Mizrahi lessons that will cast a search, Jewish exegetical homiletical hermeneutical theological and spiritual examination and exploration with the use of Kavanah- a clinging, Devekut-cleaving, clinging to Hashem through the writings of these ancient Sephardic Rabbis of ancient antiquity. We are more interested in spirituality than religiosity, that being as it was granted from our Sephardic Chachams of times past, and we seek not to adapt, interconnect, grasp, cling or draw to Ashkenazim methological Halachic or their version of Judaism in order to be Jewish and Sephardic. Our's pre-existed every thing that they have added. Before Sephardic there was no Judaism!!! Judaism started Sephardic and the Yids are quite aware of this fact! All that want Tora and Judaism should be following Sephardic including Yids, not changing it into another formulation and revisionist compilation.
Instructions on writing a dissertation for
Sephardic Mizrahi
Yeshiva Baal Kore Talmidim.
הוראות על כתיבת תזה שלה עבור ספרדים מזרחיים ישיבת בעל קוראים תלמידיו.
إرشادات حول كتابة أطروحة عن السفارديم الشرقيين يشيفا بعل كور الطلاب.
Rabino Aminadav Hinton. Pesher Posikim.
المعلم عامي نداف هينتون
רבינו עמינדב הינטון
Ha'Derech Ha'Limudim of most Yeshivots is through testing (Bochan) per Rabbi and Talmid face to face ( פנים אל פנים). Because we operate as a free, non cost, virtual Yeshiva, such testing Panym Al Panym is not possible, thus dissertations (מַסָה), thesis ( תזה) is the best way to determine that the person studied the shiur to begin with, and what they gained or learned from it. It is pointedly still testing in written form. We are taught in Judaism that there are four ways to study, to understand Tora and Halacha!
1. Peshat- Literal.
2. Ramez- One scripture or verse tied with another scripture and verse.
3. Derash- Derived interpretation- Commentary, Chumash, Midrash, Chazal Ha'Rabbonim, Talmud, Mishnah, etc.
4. Sod- meaning (mysteries) gained through wisdom, insight, Ha'Shkinah Ha'Ruach Ha'Kodesh Hashem.
This is how you form your thoughts per the studying into a format pertaining to that which you gained from the Sephardic Rabbis of ancient antiquity per their purpose, intent, direction for writing, who was their audience and how are these writings as fellow Sephardic Mizrahi Jews and to be Rabbis applicable within our generation?
If you do not allot time to study, read, investigate, turning over every rock possible to gain this, then this Yeshiva is of no use for you, it has no benefit for you! Because it requires a sacrifice, commitment as did I have to sacrifice, commit to study and gain smicha from Yeshivots that taught and granted me Smicha. It causes some things in your lives for a time to be pushed to the back burner as you devote apart of yourselves to this merit. What are we taught? Sephardic Yeshivots is Chesed Rechinut, Askenizim Yeshivots is Din.
Rabino Chaim Hezekiah Medini.
The world endures because of three activities; study of Tora, divine worship, and deeds of loving kindness (Gemilut Ha'Chasadim, Ma'Ashim Shel Chesed)
Avot 1.2
These are the activities whose income a man can enjoy in this world but whose principal remains undiminished for him in Ha'Olam Ha'Bah (The world to come); honoring father and mother, deeds of loving kindness, making peace between a man and his fellow. The study of Tora, however, equals all of these put together. Pe. 1.1
The study of the Tora ranks above the building of the Temple; The study of Tora ranks above honoring father and mother; The study of Tora ranks above the saving of lives; Tora ranks above Cohanim and royalty.
B. Meg 16b; B. Er 63b; Avot 6.6.
Rava said: He who occupies himself with study of Tora needs neither burnt offerings (Ha'Olah), nor meal offering (Minchah), nor sin offering (Ha'Chattaim, Ha'Chatta'at), nor guilt offering (Ha'Asham). Rabbi Isaac asked: What is the proof for such a statement? And replied: Scripture saying “This Tora for a sin offering (Vayikra 6.18) and “ This Tora for a guilt offering (Vayikra 7.1). The two verses imply that he who occupies himself with the part of the Tora that details the sin offering, it is as though he brought a sin offering(Ha'Chata'at); and he who occupies himself with the part of the Tora that details the guilt offering (Asham), it is as though he brought a guilt offering. B. Men 110a.
There are so many sections in Halacha that painstakingly bring this point across at such a rate that I would run out of room to write. So it is not a matter of how you say, what you say, how you go about saying. It is about searching the heart and writing what you gained personally, what you feel within the self pertaining to all that has been stated. Of all the religions within the world, Judaism along with for example Buddhism is the only guidance that recalls the teachings of the past to prepare for the readiness of today and the future, that is to learn from our teachers of blessed memory of the past who wrote in the sense of the future before there times. They foresaw the struggles and persecutions of our people well in advance to their lifespans in age and time. It is then up to you to delve, probe, meditate and gain what they were and are teaching us within our generation and how you will use them for the generations of your children and their children after you. Rather you realize it or not, what you gain from this will last beyond you, beyond this Yeshiva, beyond this Rabino, beyond the right now! I have no interest in passing out pieces of paper. I have interest in impacting within and outside of the self. We have been commissioned for our generation and one hundred years from now if Mashiach had not come, thou Halacha teaches He will return before the year 6000. Nevertheless – the Rabbis within our generations will be read by those in the next generation. Possibly the impact which you will do yourselves and your names and letters will be read, shared, exemplified as Halacha grows and expands with each generation.
To become accepted within this Yeshiva the male student must already have a basic comprehension of Tora, Hebrew, Halacha, Judaism, Talmud, Mishna, Shulchan Aruch as is the requirement as our testing will indicate and He must be able to read, write, translate, transliterate in Hebrew or be willing to learn and study these relevant instructions. For our lessons are richly concentrated in Hebrew rather in actual block or transliterated. We are seeking students who desire to be apart of this Yeshiva with the purpose of impacting their own Sephardic Mizrahi Jewish communities within the world!
Our expectation is that with each lesson that the student would write in as much as 1200 words a dissertation-מַסָה on what the lesson was about, the historical reasons for these writings from these Sephardic Mizrahi Rabbis and what they through their writings wanted to share with the Sephardic Mizrahi Jewish world and how they are to be applied, merited today. Our purpose isn't simply to give you an ability to learn Halacha as valuable and meritorious as that is. Our objective is to train, educate married Sephardic Mizrahi Jewish men to become Rabino's within their communities by establishing and encouraging thriving Sephardic Jewish Communities within the world.
Our desire isn't to simply pass out pieces of paper, our smicha's to just anyone! You have to make a real commitment, investment of self, emersion into these lessons, homework and must return homework per each level within this Yeshiva within 30 days of receipt of your lesson which will be documented in your student file of your answers per each lesson, per each dissertation.
We have had students in the past who took one to four months to complete lessons or they started out excited completing lessons and failed along the way and stopped all together! This is not what we are looking for in a student. This kind of student takes up our time, depletes resources, is given immeasurable immense Halachic Sephardic lessons and does nothing with them. We have already had one student in-5775- drop out because of a lack of commitment, concentration and desire - Please don't waste our time!!!! Yeshiva Baal Kore Sephardic Mizrahi Yeshivot is here to equip leaders, men who will take what they learn at the completion of this program and establish, revitalize, concentrate on restructuring dilapidated run down old Sephardic Beth Knessets and communities, building them back up and restarting Sephardic Mizrahi Jewish Communities which have long ago disappeared because of antisemitism, forced conversions etc. To place in small rural countries what may be their only opportunity for a Rabbi, or only opportunity for whole villages of men to study and become Rabbis placing healthy vibrant Sephardic Jewish Communities of well studied men in communities that desperately urgently need them. For their generation and the generation of Sephardic Young Jews that are coming up! This is our essential vision and election- בְּחִירָה within this world! If you are willing, ready to take on this mandate then you may proceed and apply....
Rabban Gamaliel son of Rabbi Judah 1 the Patriarch said: All who labor for the [Jewish] community should labor with them for Heaven's sake, for then the merit of the community's forebears will sustain them, and their beneficence will endure forever. And as for you [who labor thus], I regard you as deserving great reward, as though you had accomplished it all [on your own]. Avot 2.2
Rabbi Isaac said: A leader [Rabbi, Rabino] is not to be appointed for a community without its being consulted, for Scripture says, " Consider, the L-rd has called by name Bezalel " (Shmot 35: 30). When the Holy One asked Moshe, " Moshe, do you consider Bezalel suitable? He replied, " Master of the Universe , if he is deemed suitable by You, surely he is for Me. " But G-d said, " Nevertheless, go and consult them. " So Moshe went and asked Yisrael, " Do you consider Bezalel suitable for you? They replied, " Moshe our teacher, if he is deemed suitable by the Holy One and by you, surely we must consider him so."
B. Ber 55a
FULL ENGLISH NAME OF THE APPLICANT_____________________________________
HEBREW NAME OF THE APPLICANT____________________________________________
SCHOOL HISTORY______________________________________________
UNIVERSITY OR YESHIVA______________________________________________
DATES ATTENDED_____________________________________________________
LOCATION OF YESHIVA ___________________________________________________
ENGLISH NAME OF PARENTS_______________________________________________
HEBREW NAME OF PARENTS__________________________________________
KETUBAH OF PARENTS____________________________________________
RELIGION AFFILIATION OF THE MOTHER_________________________________
RELIGION AFFILIATION OF THE FATHER___________________________________
WHY DO YOU WANT TO BE A STUDENT OF SEPHARDIC, MIZRAHI YESHIVA BAAL KORE?___________________________________________________________________________
SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT X________________________________________
We will provide you with our smicha as seen above on our own specialized smicha paper unseen anywhere else. Bearing a Gold Mogen Da'vid, Grape-leaves, Shabbath Hadlakat Ha'Nerot, Mogen Dav'id bottom seal with the vine around the frame {very Sephardic Mizrahi in appearance}. This smicha document has been specialized and made exceptionally beautiful for framing and proudly revealing your acclaimed status as a qualified studied, learned Sephardic Mizrahi Rabino from this Yeshiva. Our Smicha is world renowned, accepted as well as our Sephardic Mizrahi Yeshiva Baal Kore in Yisrael and across Ha'Galut.
Tomamos una postura más sefardí Mizrahi Rabbonim Ortodoxa contra proporcionando smicha a las mujeres, tú puede haber algunas mujeres judías que son educados, capacitados, aprendidas y capaces de funcionar en el papel de un rabino. Nosotros node acuerdo a la Halajá creemos que una mujer se haya elegido o elegidos por Hashem para tal tarea. Tú existen otros roles selectivo que sólo las mujeres pueden hacer, al ser un rabino no es uno de ellos. Incluso en tiempos de cambio de hoy, donde Ashkenazi yeshivas están conformes y flexión -AL Regel Achat de Jajamim y proporcion and smicha a las mujeres, esto no refleja la decisión fundacional del sefardí Rabbonim ni se relaciona con la gran decisión propagación del sefardí Mizrahi Halajá que las mujeres no pueden RABBIS.This CONVERTIRSE gobernando hoy de las mujeres siendo rabinos es una invención Ashkenazim!
This Yeshiva Baal Kore (Which is a Sephardim Mizrahi Yeshivot) exist to grant Smichas to Sephardic Mizrahi Jewish married men with families who otherwise can't afford Ashkenazim programs, and thus our Traditional Sephardic Smicha has been accepted throughout all of Yisrael, but we are not apart of or members of the Ashkenazi Rabbinic Association, Hebrew University or any other Ashkenazi Yeshivot Accredited Organizations. We are affiliated and accredited through The Abarbanel Foundation, Sephardic Beth Din/ Yeshivoth of South Florida, Rabino Deleon Cohen, Rabino Moshe Otero. Azamra- Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum in Yisrael and the Beit Din of The Dominican Republic- Rabbi Ancel Salamon/ Beit Din Chovah Musarit.
This Smicha will allow you the status as a Rabino to perform the functions, duties, obligations of a Rabbi within your local state or countries including the starting of Beth Knessets in the traditional sense within communities, homes or elsewhere. We will not provide Smichas for people who do not complete lessons, the complete program!!! We will not make exceptions! If you have completed part of the program and not the rest, whenever you can within a reasonable amount of time, you can pick up where you left off. We have currently Sephardic Mizrahi Jewish Students in the USA. We have had students from Indonesia, Yisrael and abroad.
Yeshiva Baal Kore has no cost associated with it whatsoever as laid down to us from Sephardic Rabino Maimonides and Sephardic Chazal Hillel, Rabino Hanina Ben Dosa that to ascribe cost to Tora desecrates the name of Hashem! To treat the Tora like its a trade is horrific and detestable! Ashkenazi Yeshivas cost on average five thousand dollars to attend any of their Yeshivahs. This Maimonides, Rabino Hanina Ben Dosa and Hillel spoke highly against!
From the book: Maimonides by Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel. Copyright 1982.
Pages 62-70 under the title: Fight against assimilation.
מנהיגות רבנית
Rabino Aminadav Ibn Avraham Hinton
הרב עמינדב הינטון
Rosh Ha'Kollel, Sephardic Mizrahi Yeshiva Baal Kore.
Sephardic Turkish ancestry.
Smichas from Yeshivat Tefiliah Institute- Brazil.
Am Ha'Sefer Yeshiva- North Carolina.
The Beit Din of the Dominican Republic- Yoreh Yoreh, Yadin, Yadin. From The Dominican Republic. Chief Rabbi Ancel Salamon. Sephardic Mizrahi Chazon Taamim Smicha- The Beit Din of the Dominican Republic.
Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum.
הרב אברהם גרינבאום
Rabbi of Azamra in Yisrael. Rosh Ha'Kollel of our Yeshiva Baal Kore Yisrael division. Russian Jewish ancestry.
Rabino Aryel Ben Nacham Chaim.
הרב אברהם גרינבאום
Rabbi of The House of Seven Beggars Synagogue. Sephardic Descent.
Rabino Abraham Deleon Cohen
הרב אברהם דליאון כהן
From Istanbul Turkey, of Abarbanel Foundation Sephardic Institute and Yeshiva. Sephardic Beth Din of South Florida. Rosh Kollel of our South Florida division. Sephardic Turkish ancestry. Rabino Cohen received Smichas from Beth Midrash Larabanim- Istanbul Turkey and Yeshivat Porat Yosef- Yisrael.
Rabino Sander Tokimasa
רבינו סנדר טוקימאסה
From Brazil, Rosh Ha'Kollel Brasilia U'Melamed Be Kehilot Shel Anusim She Oseh Teshuvah
Who has the authority to grant Smicha,must it be signed by three Rabbis to affirm it or not?
From the book entitled Rabbinic Authority by Elliot L. Stevens. Copyright 1982 under the article Semicha and its relations to Ishut it talks of how according to the Sanhedrin the first Smicha was orally rendered by all such Rabbis in attendance (Ket. 17a: Sanh. 14a). Thus the early Smicha had various Rabbinic signatures. However based on Tora it only took Moshe to lay his hands on Yehoshua- No other leader assigned on Yehoshua but Moshe alone! Thus by terms of Tora the Smicha needs only one to votch, that one which has laid hands on the Rabbi by the Rabbi. The authority of Moshe was laid on Yehoshua...
According to Rabbinic Lay Relations in Jewish Law by Walter Jacob and Moshe Zemer. Thus the Talmid could be approved by his teacher. But that a Smicha coming from a Beit Din has to have three signatures. A psak din has no validity until it is signed by at least the majority of the dayanim. There are various Rabbis who were under the tutelage of their Rabbi and received Smicha from him alone (Laws of Talmud Torah 5:1). This depends on rather the Rabbi received his Smicha from his own teacher, from a Beit Din or a Yeshivot- I know amongst Sephardic Rabbis it does not have to have three signatures...
Yeshiva is an educational institute
of Jewish studies, especially the Talmud and the Tora. The word ‘’yeshiva’’ means in Hebrew “sitting. “ The typical schedule of the yeshiva includes study of the Talmud and the Tora, learning of
ethics, philosophy and mysticism and the Jewish Law, also called Halacha in Hebrew.
There are different types of yeshivot. Among them you can find ‘’Yeshiva Ketana’’ which is also called junior yeshiva and is popular in Yisrael. On
this type of yeshiva, Talmids don’t have any secular classes and the entire learning is dedicated to the Tora studies. Another kind of yeshiva is Yeshiva High School. Unlike Yeshiva Ketana, here
Talmidim can study subjects that are learned in high school along with an intensive Tora studies.
Ha'Mechina is a yeshiva that allows high school graduates to extend their
Tora studies in one extra year and postpone their army service. Yeshivat Heseder is a special yeshiva that in accordance with the Israel Defense Forces allows its students to serve in the same
unit during their army service. The duration of this yeshiva is 5 years and about 16 months of it are dedicated to army service. The Kollel is a yeshiva for men after marriage that centers on the
intellectual interpretations of the Tora.
One of the most famous Yeshivas in Yisrael is Yeshivat Ha'Kotel
Yeshivat Ha'Kotel is a modern orthodox yeshiva that overlooks Ha'Kotel Ha'Ma'aravi-Ha'ir
Shekhubrah Lah Yakhdav, Yerushalayim Shel Zahav! It is regarded as one of the primary Zionist religious yeshivas. This unique
Yeshiva combines between Tora learning and army service. Yeshivat HaKotel was established after
the Six Days War and the liberation of the Jewish Quarter. The co-founder of the Yeshiva
was Rabbi Yeshayahu Hadari. Today, Rabbi Baruch Wieder serves as Rosh Ha'Kollel.
Another renowned Yeshiva is Yeshivat Porat
Yosef is a Sephardic Yeshiva and considered one of the leading Yeshivas in Jerusalem. The
name Porat Yosef originates from the biblical verse in Genesis and means that Joseph is a fruitful tree. The Yeshiva was founded in 1914 by Yosef Shalom, an Indian philanthropist. The Yeshiva’s building was destructed during the Israel War of Independence and later reconstructed after the Six Days War, in 1967. The synagogue of the yeshiva includes six stories
and can house 450 Jews.
The third and last Yeshiva to this article
is Aish HaTora Yeshiva, literally meaning “Fire of the Tora” in Hebrew, is a Zionist-Orthodox Yeshiva in the Jewish Quarter of the Old city by Ha'Kotel. It was established in 1974 by the Aish HaTora International Organization which includes 48 institutions in 21
different countries. The Yeshiva is also known for a model of the Second Temple which is found on the roof in a glass container. The model depicts the Second Temple, in a 1:60, ratio with the
Menorah, Arc of the Covenant and more.
"The world is in need for Rabbi's because of Yeridat Ha'Dorot." The decline of the generations! We must proclaim our traditions, promote our G-d and carry throughout the generations our Yiddishkeit!
Thanks for coming by, as of IYar 5779 I am trying to ascertain time past work and life to readapt our website presence, programs, classes and courses etc. Thank you for your emails,new friendships and connections. We have great future plans for our Yeshiva that we are currently working on...