Ha'Chinuch, Ruchni'ut Shurim,
Yeshiva Baal Kore.Phase 1.
A Kabbalistic Unification To Say Before Learning The Zohar
from the Sefer 'Sod Hashem'
For the sake of the unification of the Holy One Blessed Is He and His Shechina,with awe and love, and with love and awe, to unify the name Yud and Heh with Vav and Heh with a complete unity, through He who is hidden and concealed, in the name of all of Yisrael, to raise up the Shechina from the dust, and to elevate the Shechina of our strength, a mother of happy children. I hereby bind myself, through this transcendent learning, with the neshama of all of the Tannaim and the Tzaddikim whose names are written in the Zohar HaKadosh, and with their leader the Tanna HaEloki Rebbi Shimon Bar Yochai and Rebbi Elazar his son. And through this, please fulfill the tefillah of David HaMelech, may peace be upon him (Tehillim 61:4-5): "You have been a refuge for me, a tower of strength in the face of the enemy. I will dwell in your tent forever, I will take refuge in the shelter of your wings, selah." And I should merit through this, our learning, that their (the Tannaim and Tzaddikim) lips will move in their graves, for the sake of His name, with love, to make nachat ruach for the One who Formed us, and to do the will of the One who Created us. And with this book, the Sefer HaZohar, Yisrael will be redeemed from exile with rachamim.
(As it says Tehillim 90:16-17): "Let your work be revealed to your servants, and your splendor be upon their children. And the pleasantness of my Master, Elokeinu, will be on us, and the work of our hands He will establish for us, and the work of our hands He will establish. And the pleasantness of my Master,Elokeinu, will be on us, and the work of our hands He will establish for us, and the work of our hands He will establish.
You will be studying the Halachic Posukim from Sephardic, Mizrahi world renown Rabinos as:
New Sephardic, Mizrahi, Yemenite ancient teachings added to the Yeshiva. "Down below
Rabino Moses Maimonides-From Spain- Egypt (Africa), 12th century.
Rabino Perek Ha'Shalom-From Yisrael 1st, 2nd century.
Philo- Egypt (Africa) 1st century.
Judah Ha'Levi- From Spain- Yisrael, 11th- 12th century.
Rabino Moses Nahmanides-From Spain- Yisrael, 13th century.
Rabino Bahya Ibn Pakuda- From Spain 11th-12th century.
Rabino Abraham Ben David Ha'Levi-From Spain, 15th century.
Rabino Joseph Karo-writer of Shulchan Aruch-From Spain- Yisrael, 16th century.
Rabino Hayyim Ibn Musa-From Spain, 15th century.
Rabino Moses Hayyim Luzatto-From Italy- Yisrael, 18th century.
Rabino Isaac Ben Judah Ibn Ghayyat- From Spain, 11th century.
Rabino Jonah Ben Abraham Gerondi- From Spain, 13th century.
Rabino Simlai- From Babylonia- Yisrael, 3rd century.
Rabino Judah Ibn Tibbon-From Spain, 12th century.
Rabino Samuel Laniado-From Syria, 16th century.
Rabino Asaph Judaeus- From Mesopotamia-Syria, 7th century.
Rabino Hanina Ben Hakinai-Tanna-From Yisrael ,2nd century.
Rabino Isaac Ben Judah Abrabanel-From Portugal-Italy, 15th-16th century.
Rabino Judah Ben Jacob Hayyat-From Spain-Italy, 15th-16th century.
Rabino Solomon Ibn Verga-From Spain-Italy, 15th-16th century.
Rabino Jacob Ben Hananel and Hiskiah- From Spain, 13th-14th century.
Rabino Abraham Ben Eliezer Ha'Levi-From Spain, 15th-16th century.
Rabino Shimon Bar Yochai (Rashbi)Zohar which was written in Spain in the 13th century.
Rabino Saadia Ben Yosef, Ha'Gaon from Bavel, Baghdad Iraq.
Rabino Solomon Ben Judah Ibn Gabirol.
Rabino Nathanel Ibn Al Fayyumi- Chief Rabbi of the Yemenite Jewish Community in the 1100's.
Rabino Judah Ibn Tibbon, born in Granada in 1120, Rabino and Doctor. Granada-Northwest Trinidad and Tobago, the testament of Tibbonides.
Rabino Joseph Ben Me'ir Ibn Zabara, who was born in Barcelona in 1140.
Rabino Judah Ben Solomon. "AL HARIZI" a celebrated Hebrew poet of the 13th century who lived in Spain and traveled in orient. Even more than his great predecessor, Judah Ha'Levi his thought and style were influenced by the Mohammedans. he started his teachings as a translator of Arabic poetry.
Rabino Ben Ish Chai.
And we find the Ashkenazi Rabbinic works of Israel Baal Shem, Nahman of Bratzlav, Zechariah Mendel of Jaroslav, Rashi, Levi Isaac of Berditshev, Issac Meir
of Ger, Isaac of Worki, Jacob Ben Wolf Kranz, Rabbi Akiva, Alexander Susskind admirable and meritorious just to name a few.
1. הפתגמים של היהדות-The Aphorisms of Judaism. Part 1-4.
2. בשר וחלב חה יורה דעה, כשרות עם מדע.חוקי הכשרות-Ha'Basar Cholov Yoreh Deah, Kashrut with science. The dietary laws.
3. מנהגי שבת מלחה-Minhagim Shabbat Ha'Malkhah
4. יקומים מקבילים בה '. קַבָּלָה-
Parallel Universes in Hashem. Part 1-3- Kabbalah
5. דואר עמ 'מר פרו-סיד. קַבָּלָה-Ha'Marpe Prudah-seed. Kabbalah
6. קדושת יום הכיפורים, פור הוא ביום הכיפורים -The Holiness of Yom Kippur, Pur is in Yom Kippur and Purim- why?
7. הנפקת הגל, זה חשיבות כוהנים.-Ha'Tenufah, it's Cohenim importance.
8.זהר. ספר בפתח אליהו.
Zohar. Sefer Patach Eliyahu.
http://dailyzohar.com/wp-content/uploads/audio/patacheliyahu.mp3%7Ctitles=Elijah%20Opened (This link is not apart of the lesson, its here for studies)
9. מהותה של תפילה יהודית-The essence of Jewish worship.
10. הזוהר חוק לישראל, פרשת לך לך
The Zohar Chok L'Yisrael, Parashat Lech Lecha http://www.thezoharinenglish.com/PDFs/Zohar_Parashat_Lech_Lecha.pdf
11. אחר לוואי הצד האבוד האחר. קַבָּלָה-Ha'Sitra Achra- The other lost side. Kabbalah.
12. הבדלה-למה זה נחוץ-Man is a nucleus of Hashem energy!
13.לאהוב ללא הגבלה L'Ahavah Lyla Ha'Gevlah-Love without restriction.
14. הטיש ב ממוצעי תשעה באב-Tish B'Av- The 9th of Av
15. האור בתוך המנהרה. קַבָּלָה-
The light within the Tunnel. Kabbalah
16. גלות. ."הצורך בכל יהודי לעלות לארץ ישראל "הארץ"!"-Ha'Galut. Part 1-5.
" The need for every Jew to make Aliyah Ha'Aretz Yisrael! "
17. היהודים שהגיעו מאדם-The Jews that came from Adam.
18. אריג טלית Avelut Sach. The sackcloth of ancient Israel
The Tallit is the Mantle (Ma'ateh), Sackcloth (Lavush Sak), Shawl (Za'eif), the Katan, Tunic. All one in the same! Discover the link that makes the Tallit what it is to the Sephardic Mizrahi Jew.
19. Ha'Rgah Ha'Toda'ah- The moment of consciousness. רגע התודעה
20. Ha'Shimirah El Ha'More'shet Ha'Sepharadut, Ha'Mizrachit, Lumud B'Hatvol'lut- Guarding the Sephardic, Mizrahi heritage to withstand assimilation. שמירה על המורשת הספרדית, המזרחית לעמוד בהתבוללות.
21. עשרים ושני היבטים של האשם דרך עשרים עשרים אותיות עברית-The 22 aspects of Hashem through the 22 Hebrew Letters.
22. Hebrew to Transliteration Worksheet. One must be able to translate Hebrew block into transliterated English.
Sephardic, Mizrahi Yeshiva Baal Kore Hebrew to Transliterated Hebrew Test. |
You as the Talmid must literally translate this Hebrew into transliterated Hebrew word for word. You must be able to read Hebrew and transpose it into transliterated Hebrew. I will do the first two words for you! You can not graduate from this program regardless of if you have completed every single lesson that is here without passing this Hebrew to Transliterated Hebrew test Smicha can not be granted!
שוב מעשה בנכרי אחד שבא לפני שמאי א"ל גיירני ע"מ שתלמדני כל התורה כולה כשאני עומד על רגל אחת דחפו באמת הבנין שבידו בא לפני הלל גייריה אמר לו דעלך סני לחברך לא תעביד זו היא כל התורה כולה ואידך פירושה הוא זיל גמור. Another time a non-Jew came before Shammai and said, "I will convert if you can teach me the entire Tora while I stand on one foot." Shammai pushed the non-Jews aside with the ruler that was in his hand. The non-Jew came before Hillel and Hillel converted him saying, "What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor, that is the entire Tora, the rest is just commentary, now go and study." Talmud Shabbat Daf 31a: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First two words: SHA’UV MA’ASAH
23. המבחן בכתב. The written test.
" Our board of Rabbis and this Yeshiva has the right to terminate and drop any students that come to us who are found with beliefs or practices that differ from the Halachot that we follow and ascribe to. If we find students who are teaching Goyim, who secretly or outwardly proliferate a belief in Yashke rather they have studied with us and received Smicha. We will reject that Smicha and publically note that this Yeshiva does not recognize them and that we have rejected them and their Smicha under the proven evidence which we will painstakingly make public is notably declared, documented, publicized and proclamated . "
שלב שתי בדיקה
Each lesson will come to you via your personalized email. It is your obligation to study each lesson methodically, and to write a dissertation (מַסָה) about each lesson and what it means and how it is to be understood, merited and applied today and what did Ha'Sephardi Chazal Rabbonim teach us through their teachings within their generation in no more than 2000 words per each lesson. The phrase 2 which completes all of your Yeshiva assignments requires a test. It will be on all the lessons that you will gain in Phase 1. which will be changing and increasing lessons as we advance in new studies, they will be added to the Yeshiva's expectations for Smicha. It will be a test or overview of what each of the topics discuss. If you have any questions along the way let us know, email them to us. We usually check our emails several times a day. Your first lesson will arrive to you the day of or the day after your acceptance into this Yeshiva. Keep in mind that even though the listing states 22 categorical lessons. It totals 33. All lessons must be completed, there is no rush! Your advancement in this program is due to the amount of time that you have to study these lessons, and complete your dissertation (מַסָה) for each one. You will be given adequate time to study, read, to research each lesson. We are not in a hurry here! We want the information of our illustrious Sephardic Mizrahi Rabinos gained. Education (הַשׂכָּלָה) is a life long process so enjoy, take a breath, slow down and gain the wisdom and understanding of our Rabinos and help establish Sephardic Mizrahi, Yemenite Jewish Communities. You are also welcome to with every lesson that you gain, to translate them into your own languages and to teach them within your Sephardic Mizrahi or otherwise Jewish Communities. Let us establish within our communities Beth Knessets for our people where we haven't a place to go. This is our purpose, vision and aspiration to have our Sephardic Mizrahi, Yemenite Jewish Communities established in every community across the world.
We are not looking for nor are we accepting antiquated formulated 1+1= 2 answers. What were the Rabinos within their generation teaching us, what is the content of there lessons to us and why were they given, written for whom? What were the conditions by which caused them to write within their generations. We are seeking these answers from a Kabbalistic standpoint. Our testing includes what is commonly associated with Smicha testing being: The laws of Basar B'Chalav, Ta'aruvos, Melicha, Shabbat, Pas Akum, Bishul Akum, Cholov Akum, Tevilas Keilim as well as the subject matter per each Sephardic Rabbinic highlighted material within our lessons per numbered listings as seen above. We have had several start out with us who were excited initially who within time did not complete the program and ended up wasting precious time. If you can't make the commitment please don't apply!
If students don't turn in lessons within a one month period a notice will be sent asking if you want to continue with this Yeshiva or if you want to be dropped. Thereafter that notice if a lesson is not turned in thirty days from the receipt of that first notice the student will be dropped from this Yeshiva. We realize life gets busy and things take place that causes distractions; however we need commitment and we don't have time to chase after students. If you really want to gain this, you have to make a commitment to study, develop and complete lessons otherwise please don't enroll accept you want to study, investigate and have the time to devote yourself to your schooling at this Yeshiva.
" Members of the Yeshiva"
1. Yisrael Shalom Savigne- Sephardic Cuban Jew. Chicago IL.
2. Nechemya Dunlap- Sephardic Cuban Jew. Chicago IL.
3. Moshe Andre Jones- Sephardic Cuban Jew. Chicago IL.
4. Yedidya Osborne- Mizrahi Jew- Oklahoma- Yeshiva Ha'Nazig.
5. Lafonizo Dunlap- Sephardic Jew- Chicago IL.
6. Sharon Otowog- Mizrahi Jew- Nigeria.
7. Elad Ben Avraham. Baltimore.
8. Shlomo Silverman-Canada.
9. Sephardic Rabbi Aryel Nachman Ben Chaim- Seven Beggars Synagogue-sevenbeggars.com
10. Dr. Albo Berro- Sephardic Rabbi from Brazil-Sephardic.
11. Shlomo Philips.
12. Rabino Sander Tokimasa- Brazil-Sephardic
13. Rabino Abraham Deleon Cohen- Turkish Sephardi.
14. Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum- Yisrael, Azamra.
Aminadav with Indian Katan Tzitzit. Tzitzit tied by Aminadav.
Rabino Aminadav Ibn Avraham Hinton. Showing Indian Katan Tzitzit. Tied by Aminadav.
Yedidya. A highly astute Cochin Mizrahi Jew.
Rabino Aminadav Hinton purchased this African shaped pendent and edged the Mogen David by hand.
Rabino Aminadav Hinton's Sefriyah.
My sister Samone went to Kenya and a Hebrew/ Jew gave this Hebrew Tribal Cane to my sister to give to me. Its Kabbalistic! And the head of the Hebrew Tribesman is He that carries the cane. It is made from the mahogany tree of Africa.
For current and past Talmidim Only!
$25.00 dollar Tzedakah.
Elad Ben Avraham
Thanks for coming by, as of IYar 5779 I am trying to ascertain time past work and life to readapt our website presence, programs, classes and courses etc. Thank you for your emails,new friendships and connections. We have great future plans for our Yeshiva that we are currently working on...