The constant problem of pro lib, femanism, humanism and the lessoning of Tzniut.



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I have said many times that Gola is worse for our Jewish women, for the secularization of Goyim women that they are around, causes a lessoning of sanctity regarding Tora, Tzniut, modesty, as the women that they are around in the workplace, at the shopping markets reveal and show every edifice of ledwness, looseness and painted up posters for foolery which is not an example for our Jewish Women who may be looking for examples of beauty, dress, hair styles and other such interest when looking at such things through the examples of Goy Women. Since our Jewish Women work with them, talk with them, communicate with them, they give off a desire and appeal for Golut.


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A desire for the lack of proper dress, modesty, seperatedness and draw to our own Jewish Tzniut, purity. It is to this effect that we see femanism which was built off the back of Goy Lesbianism that has brought forth liberalism, secularism  humanism, women’s liberation movements etc. At such a rapidity that we see Jewish Women wanting to wear Tefilin, Tallits, be arrested for stepping across the Mehitzah in Yisrael that seperates women and men on opposites of Ha'Kotel. Women who want to become Rabbis today even Orthodox Rabbis today! Such effects have come about in many regards by our Jewish Women mixing and merging amongst Goy Women that they loose sanctity, even there roles and responsibilities as Jewish women and wives.

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We live in such a time in Gola that Jewish Women have to work and often are not able to work in Jewish Organizations, that the friends and associates that they encounter are negative influxes on our Jewish Women and the language, conversations, bring about an assimilation instead of a seperation of our Jewish Women. Such that our Jewish Women don’t cover their heads, study Tora and other such Jewish books, magazines that would help them keep themselves from becoming secularized or Goy like in many regards. Our Jewish Women should not feel slayed from modesty because the Goy Women around them are not modest, they should not feel or become liberal because the Goy Women are liberal. Our Jewish Women should not run off the humanism of Goy Women that our Jewish Women lose that which in effect is seen on them as Sancitity or Jewishness, Yiddishkeit! Let our Jewish Women not rub off from the Goy Women the image by which they imagine themselves and be opposite by setting the example for the Goy Women instead of the opposite by which has become in America and perhaps around the world the leading result. A lessoning of Sancity and a more aceptance of lessoning and completely loosing Tzniut.


Goy Women clothes, music, food, attitudes, liberalism, femanism, is not good company for our Jewish Women and if you disagree and you may, please consider the way the Jewish Women carry themselves who live opposite from Goy Women and you will see the women that do not interact with Goy Women haven’t any issues with understanding and appreciating their roles and the roles of their husbands in such a way that they don’t want liberalism, secularism, humanism or women’s lib. They don’t consider keeping there heads covered as a hinderance or constraint. They don’t see cooking for their husbands and families as a burden, they don’t want to be Women Rabbis, and they don’t want to wear Tefilin, Tzitzit, Tallits or other such responsibilities that was layed upon their Jewish Husbands from Hashem.


This isn’t a matter of tryantcy it is a matter of purity, sacredness, sanctity and morality which is why we read that Hashem put Adam to sleep and formed his wife while He was resting, while He was doing His function came forth the wife with what responsibility but to care for her husband and her children to come while Adam had to name the animals, keep the garden, and talk to G-d and to do His will.


The modern times of ever changing liberalism causes the very things of Tora to change meaning, to re-emphasize what it’s really saying as liberalism seeks to create a lessoning of sancity and a more acceptance of doing whatever you want to do. This in my opinion is a major issue when our Jewish Women are influenced by Goy Women. This is not to say this is not an issue when Jewish Men are around Goy Men because it is, however in my opinion the emotionality and influential attributes to a lessoning of sancity when our Jewish Women are influenced by Goy Women. I would prefer that my wife would if I could create such an environment to be around Jewish Women only, for this would cause a great desire for Tora, Tzniut, Sanctity, and would increase prayer, study, devotion, proper dress, proper conduct, this would create ideally the astounding traditional long lasting values of Judaism!!! That has kept our Jewish Women seperate for thousands of years untill modernization of times cast a need for our Jewish Women to have no choice but to go into the market places, work, and collobrative efforts of todays ever changing situations.

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If our Jewish People could outside of emotionality, outside of imagery deal with Goyim without Goyim rubbing off on them and changing them from there ancestral purity then this would not be such an issue that I have spoken on it in many sessions, to other Rabbis who are dealing with their Jewish Wives becoming more liberal and less Tora observant. If our Jewish Women could surround themselves with more Jewish Women or people who observe as they do this would but build them and increase them instead of diminishing them, and loosening them.

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But as long as a Gola exist, this problem will exist, as long as we live outside of the land of Yisrael as Jewish People this problem will exist especially within America whereby women’s lib, lesbianism is an acceptance and orthodoxy or Pro-Tora lifestyle a distraction we will but continue seeing this issue that is conditioned upon our Jewish Women leaning and being influenced by Goyim. This is not to say that Goy Women are the totality to these problems or reasons but a large percentage to the liberal looseness, humanistic and lewd practices by which Goy Women live. Such as improper dress, uncovering of the heads, unruly conversations, unmodesty, this any Jewish Man with a Jewish Wife that is influenced by Goy Women can attest to in some regards.


Holiness and Sanctity is and should not be looked at as a loosing of freedom but as a sustaining force for freedom. If you agree let me know, if you don’t with reasons as to why this is, let me know also. Perhaps I will mention it within a newsletter piece based on these ideals.

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I can attest in conversation with other Rabbis, Jewish Men who are not wealthy enough to keep there Jewish Wives away from the work force that this is indeed a problem and that they are seeing their Jewish Wives become less interested in Jewish things, Jewish interest, Jewish ideals, which is why today there are some great Jewish Women organizations, magazines, online sources to help promote a Jewish Women’s Community whereby they can strenghten and build and increase each other to hold to purity, strenghten Jewish Traditions, and not to become effected by Goy Women’s loosness, liberalism, humanism and pro lib femanism.

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Keep your Jewish Wives invested in Jewish Women stabilzing growth interest as well as your Jewish Daughters for they are influenced at schools if they attend public schools, they are effected by the Goy Girls they are around, which brings about behaviors that loosens sancity. This is not saying that Goy Women or Goy Young Girls are bad or evil people, but that the way that they live is not the way that we live, and that it does not promote, strenghten or encourage Jewish Living, Tora living, Modesty or Hashem’s expectation for Jewish Women.

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This also does not mean that Jewish Women should be restricted from market places, or locations where Goy Women exist, this is an impossibility, except the doing so is so influential to the Jewish Women that she realizes within herself that the doing so causes her to become less observant as a Jew then this is a problem. If going for a limited amount of time doesn’t cause her to loosen , and even when she is around them, she doesn’t gaze at them, or watch them, there dress and such, then this is not an issue even from a Halachic standpoint. It is when the doing so causes the Jewish Women to become influenced by the Goy Women. The lore and attraction of liberalness of the Goy Women is then a destraction for our Jewish Women that they are enticed by the liberality, and over time a lessoning of observance takes place then this is an issue.


The Mishna under the third order: Nashim and the laws of Tzniut, as well as Tohorot are instrumental in many regards concerning this major issue in modernization.


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Why is there such an attraction to begin with? It is when unfulfilled is met by that which in appearance seems to be gratifying to the needs within that this occurs. So we must provide adequate substance for our Jewish women that they won't have a need for that which is Tuma. Tuma leads to Davka and Davka leads to Avera Kol Isha. We Jews have been selected by due honor of Hashem to Lehavdil and thus Goyim provides no example for us today, tomorrow or ever. Thus looking unto Goyim is for our Jewish Women-Tsarot. When these steps are followed as indicated then the Jewish Women will not find Tzniut difficult or restrictive, but refreshing and inviting! This isn't tyrannical or man made blockages or hindrances this is Hashem's expectation for real sanctity, peace, self respect and restraint. Thus the ego is lowered in the process and the wife, the Jewish wife or Jewish women is liberated. 

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Would you like to read more along these lines that I have yet to write? Are you a women interested in creating and establishing within your homes Jewish women outreaches in Tzniut? If yes and you have read the before mentioned article and wasn't offended, wasn't angered or emotional per the looseness of todays effectual liberalism and the article or teaching reached you with interest and perked your curiosity that you felt or feel obligated to help your Jewish Women where you live then email me right now and get a Tzniut Jewish Women's Class and Group started today! It won't hinder or restrict your freedom it will motivate and encourage your distinction. For the G-d of Yisrael Eloheicha said something that you will find invigorating about us the Jewish People!


Vayikra 18. 1-5 And Hashem spoke unto Moshe, saying. 2. Speak unto Ha'Bnei Yisrael and say unto them, I am Hashem Eloheicha (Your G-d). 3. After the doings of the land of Egypt, where you lived, YOU SHALL NOT DO THE THINGS THAT THEY DO; and after the doings of the land of Canaan, to which I bring you, YOU SHALL NOT DO; neither shall you walk or obey their ordinances. 4. You shall do my ordinances, and keep my statutes, to walk with them: I am Hashem Eloheicha (Your G-d). 5. You shall therefore keep my statutes, and my ordinances, which if a man do, he shall live in them: I am Hashem.


The nations of the world are not obligated nor assigned to follow Tzniut. That is Goyim haven't the realization to what's clean, unclean, holy, unholy, right, wrong. They but decide for themselves that which they deem personal and of themselves to do. We however who are the Jewish People have a completely different condition that applies. We have a G-d that set conditions, laws, ordinances, that are good for us and good to us that He has established as to be observed by his people. This isn't demeaning the Goy or their place in society or the world. It is simply to illustrate how Hashem states in various textual examples he continued saying Hashem Eloheicha to differentiate the people who serve the gods of the world which are not gods at all and us being the Jewish people His Am Segulah.


The Goy haven't any ordinances or responsibilities or accountability. They are free agents of their own destiny or demise depending on what they decide to do or not to do. We however have someone that has set regulations which is love centralized to distinguish us from the rest of the world. This doesn't make the Jew super human it makes us accountable before G-d! Thus Tzniut is apart of the premise of Hashem's expectation for separation unto Hashem and how that separation distinguishes or glamorizes itself as separate, different from the rest of the world. This isn't legalistic, legalism this is liberation! Not putting your body on display and appropriately covering yourself isn't altering or demoralizing, it is being a representative of modesty and having respect for yourselves and that body which Hashem has given you... Your G-d doesn't want what He valued enough to create to be on display. Is that not freedom, amazing and awesome?


Sincerely Rabino Aminadav Hinton
